
20c released
CMUCL 20c has been released, For information on the changes between 20c and 20b, we refer the reader to the 20c release notes. Because of the release, there will not be a 2011-11 snapshot. .
Snapshot 2011-10
The 2011-10 snapshot has been released. See the release notes for details, but here is a quick summary of the changes between the this snapshot and the previous snapshot.
  • Command-line flags -read-only-space-size, -static-space-size, -control-stack-size, and -binding-stack-size have been addded to control the size of the corresponding region. The default size of each is unchanged.
  • Add -O option to build.sh.
  • The format of the file-comments has changed somewhat. The Header keyword is retained, but the git short SHA1 hash is used for the revision.
The CMUCL CVS repository has been converted to git and is now available. You can browse the repository using the Browse Source, or you can visit CMUCL gitweb for a different view. This page also includes links necessary for cloning the repository. (For commiters, be sure to put your userid in the ssh link.) The CVS repository will still be available, but will not allow checkins anymore. Git is integrated with Trac so the commit messages can refer to and even close Trac tickets. If the commit messages contains text like
        command #1
    	command #1, #2
    	command #1 & #2
    	command #1 and #2
then the given command is applied to the specified tickets. Instead of the short-hand syntax above, you can also use
        command ticket:1
    	command ticket:1, ticket:2
    	command ticket:1 & ticket:2
    	command ticket:1 and ticket:2
The available commands (not case-sensitive) are:
close, closed, closes, fix, fixed, fixes
The specified issue numbers are closed with the contents of this commit message being added to it.
references, refs, addresses, re, see
The specified issue numbers are left in their current status, but the contents of this commit message are added to their notes.
Snapshot 2011-09
The 2011-09 snapshot has been released. See the release notes for details, but here is a quick summary of the changes between the this snapshot and the previous snapshot.
  • ASDF2 updated to version 2.017.
  • Improve type propagation for LOAD-TIME-VALUE.
  • Getting documentation of a structure via DOCUMENTATION no longer signals an error.
  • Reduce unnecessary consing of SAPs in ROOM.
  • Make stack overflow checking actually work on Mac OS X. The implementation had the :STACK-CHECKING feature, but it didn't actually prevent stack overflows from crashing lisp.
  • Fix rounding of numbers larger than a fixnum.
Snapshot 2011-08
There was no snapshot for this month.
Snapshot 2011-07
The 2011-07 snapshot has been released. See the release notes for details, but here is a quick summary of the changes between the this snapshot and the previous snapshot.
  • Unicode database updated to Unicode 6.0.0.
  • ASDF2 updated to version 2.016.1
  • Add LISP:LOAD-ALL-UNICODE-DATA to load all the unicode information into core. This is useful for creating an executable image that does not need unidata.bin.
  • CMUCL no longer exits if you specify a core file with an executable image. A warning is printed instead and the core file is used.
  • Trac #43 has been fixed in a better way. The previous fix was incorrect and causes some Unicode tests to fail.
Snapshot 2011-06
The 2011-06 snapshot has been released. See the release notes for details, but here is a quick summary of the changes between the this snapshot and the previous snapshot.
  • :CMUCL is now in *FEATURES*
  • Added command line option, -unidata, to allow user to specify the location and name of the unidata.bin file. This is used instead of the default location.
  • Opening a file whose name contains "[" with :IF-EXISTS :NEW-VERSION no longer causes an error.
Snapshot 2011-05
There was no snapshot in May, partly due to the ongoing upgrade on common-lisp.net.
Snapshot 2011-04
The 2011-04 snapshot has been released. See the release notes for details, but here is a quick summary of the changes between the this snapshot and the previous snapshot.
  • In COMPILE-FILE, the second return value is now non-nil if there are style warnings. Previously, style warnings were erroneously ignored.
  • ASDF has been updated to version 2.014.1
Snapshot 2011-03
The 2011-02 snapshot has been released. See the release notes for details, but here is a quick summary of the changes between the this snapshot and the previous snapshot.
  • In COMPILE-FILE, the :OUTPUT-FILE can also be a stream. CMUCL was erroneously signaling an error..
  • (OPEN f :DIRECTION :IO :IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST NIL) no longer signals an error if the file f does not exist. It returns NIL now.
  • In some situations the compiler could not constant fold SQRT calls because KERNEL:%SQRT was not defined on x86 with SSE2. This is fixed now.
  • In an earlier snapshot to add support for character name completion with SLIME, a bug was introduced where cmucl could no longer read #\latin_small_letter_a. This is fixed in this version.
Snapshot 2011-02
The 2011-02 snapshot has been released. See the release notes for details, but here is a quick summary of the changes between the this snapshot and the previous snapshot.
  • EXT::DESCRIBE-EXTERNAL-FORMAT was not exported.
  • TRACE was erroneously allowing encapsulation when tracing local flet/labels functions. This doesn't actually trace anything. An error is now signaled in this case. If you are sure, you can specify :ENCAPSULATE NIL to disable encapsulation.
Snapshot 2011-01
The 2011-01 snapshot has been released. See the release notes for details, but here is a quick summary of the changes between the this snapshot and the previous snapshot.
  • Initial support for Solaris/x86. CMUCL will run on Solaris/x86 with all features available.
  • UNINTERN no longer removes the wrong symbol. UNINTERN would remove the symbol when inherited from another package although it should not.
  • DEFSTRUCT allows multiple keyword constructors as required by the spec..
  • SUBSEQ with an end index less than the start index sometimes crashes CMUCL. Now, signal an error if the boudns are not valid.
  • Localization support was causing many calls to stat trying to find non-existent translation files. This has been fixed so that the results are cached. (If new translations are added, the cache will need to be cleared or cmucl restarted.) This change cuts building time by half on Solaris/sparc.
  • On NetBSD, function-end breakpoints, especially for tail-recursive functions, are working now.
  • On NetBSD, display of FP numbers (sse2 and x87) during tracing has been corrected. Previously, random values were displayed.
  • Executables images can now be created on NetBSD again.
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